BFO-Kingston is always looking for enthusiastic volunteers with special skills to offer! Bereavement is not a pre-requisite for some positions.
Please contact us at 613-634-1230 or bfo@kingston.net if you are interested in volunteering or if you are a past client and…
it has been more than one year since your most recent bereavement
you are not currently receiving one-to-one support
you have an enthusiastic outlook and can put others first

Volunteer Opportunities
Bingo Volunteer: Represents BFO-Kingston as a public relations ambassador to clients and staff at Play! Gaming and Entertainment once a month for a two hour shift. Revenue received from Bingo is our sole source of monthly funding and is used to support our bereavement programs and services. Please contact the office to register. Online training is provided by Play!
Board of Directors: Ensures ongoing success of BFO-Kingston through meetings and community involvement. The Board meets monthly.
Grants Coordination: Works with staff to source, apply for and report on monetary grants relevant to the goals and objectives of the organization. Experience in grant writing and/or marketing and/or social services is an asset.
Marketing & Events Committee Members: Works to plan, coordinate and execute fundraising initiatives and special events, raising desired funds in order to support the goals and objectives of the organization. A background in event planning and/or fundraising is an asset.
Office and/or Website Support: Assists staff with administrative tasks including website maintenance and social media.
Peer Support Facilitators: Training is required and provided. Bereavement is a pre-requisite. Facilitators meet with clients one-on-one or in a group environment and provide a supportive environment for clients to share their stories with someone who understands and has experienced a similar loss.
Professional Advisory Committee: Made up of volunteers who work in the field of grief and bereavement. The PAC advises the Board and staff on policies and promotes evidence-informed practice.