About Us
BFO-Kingston is an affiliate of Bereaved Families of Ontario (BFO), an organization which was initiated in 1978 by four bereaved mothers as a self-help, mutual-aid program under the auspices of the Chaplaincy Department of the Hospital for Sick Children. In July 1984, a grant from the Trillium Foundation enabled the organization to become a provincial body. BFO-Kingston became a member of this caring family in 1989. With a dedicated Board of Directors, a strong team of volunteers, and an Office and Program Administrator, BFO-Kingston is fully operational in the Kingston area. Our chapter provides support services, public awareness and volunteer training in our Region.
Our Beliefs
We believe that:
- Grief is unique.
- We all grieve in a different way.
- No loss is worse than your own.
- An individual’s grief journey should be honoured.
- Healing can happen.

Our Vision
Our vision is to ensure that every individual grieving a death has access to caring, empathetic and compassionate support in a safe and confidential environment.

Our Mission
We are Bereaved Families of Ontario – Kingston Region. We provide programs, services and resources based on a mutual support model to individuals, families, children, groups and communities. We are the bereaved helping the bereaved learn to live with grief. We can help the healing begin.